Tasadduq Shervani

Tasadduq Shervani

Tenure and Tenure-Track 教师

Associate Professor









PhD, Business Administration, University of Southern California


Dr. Tassu Shervani is Associate Professor at the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas.  He is also a consultant in the areas of global strategy and organization, 股东价值, 商业模式, 创新, and business development.  His clients are from the telecommunications, financial services, 技术, 消费者, 制造业, 医疗保健, 私人股本, and energy sectors.  He has also taught executive education programs at Duke University, 埃默里大学, and The University of Texas at Austin (UTA).

Dr. Shervani has been involved in consulting with CEO’s and C-Suite executives, and executive development at a number of major global corporations such as 3i, 3M, ABB, AT&T, 埃森哲咨询公司, 雅高集团, 美国铝业, 应用材料, 湾网络, Bell Atlantic (now Verizon), 凯业必达.com, 可口可乐, 戴尔电脑, 德意志银行(Deutsche Bank), EY, Grupo IMSA, IBM, 怡敏信, 输入/输出, 荷兰国际集团(ING), 约翰逊 & 约翰逊,Kulicke & 本, 拉法基集团, Landmark Graphics (now Halliburton), 洛克希德·马丁公司, LG电子(LG Electronics), 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley), Mitsubishi Chemicals, 摩托罗拉, Proeza, Prudential Financial, RHR国际, Sabre Holdings), Sequent Computer (now IBM), 联合利华, Tektronix (now Danaher), Teradata, 德州仪器公司, Turner Entertainment (now Time Warner) and W.L. 戈尔.  He has worked with the semiconductor industry consortium Sematech.

From 1991 to 1998, Dr. Shervani was a full-time faculty member at UTA where he taught in the McCombs School of Business.  He has published articles in the IEEE Engineering Management Review, Journal of 市场营销, Journal of Business 研究, Journal of 市场营销 研究, Journal of Market-Focused Management, 业务范围, Journal of the Academy of 市场营销 Science, Review of 市场营销.  He has been awarded the American 市场营销 Association’s "Maynard and MSI/Paul Root Awards" for his research on market-based assets, the first time in the history of the Journal of 市场营销 that an article has received both awards.  He is also a recipient of the 2006 "Sheth Foundation/JM Award" for research that has made a long term contribution to the field of marketing strategy.  Translations of his papers have been published in a number of other languages.  While at UTA McCombs Business School, Dr. Shervani was twice (1997 and 1999) selected “Outstanding 教师” by Businessweek Magazine, a recognition of his standing as one of the premier business educators in the United States.

Dr. Shervani served on the board of directors of Exterprise Inc., an e-business software and services company funded by Austin Ventures, Dell Ventures and 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley).  In May 2001, Exterprise was acquired by e-markets company CommerceOne.

Dr. Shervani received his PhD in business administration from the University of Southern California in 1991 and his MBA from the Xavier Institute, 詹谢普尔, 印度, in 1984.


MKTG 6226 Advanced 市场营销 Strategy 


市场营销-Finance Interface, Market-Based Assets, 市场营销 Strategy, Salesforce and Customer Contact Management, 市场营销 Channels


麦克法兰, 理查德。, Joseph Rode and Tasadduq Shervani (2016), "A Contingency Model of Emotional Intelligence in Professional Selling," Journal of the Academy of 市场营销 Science, 44 (1), 108–118.

默撒, 布莱恩, Tasadduq Shervani, Goutam Challagalla and Bradley Kirkman (2014), "Control System Diversity: Implications for Selling 中心," Journal of Business 研究, 67 (9), 1870-1876.

没吃, 乐, Goutam Challagalla, Leslie Hill and Tasadduq Shervani, (2008), "The Impact of Simulation Training on Call Center Agent Performance: A Field Based Investigation," Management Science, 54 (2), 384-399.

Shervani, Tasadduq, Goutam Challagalla and Gary Frazier (2007), "The Moderating Influence of Firm Market Power on the Transaction Cost Analysis Model: An Empirical Test in a Forward Channel Integration Context," Strategic Management Journal, (28) 635-652.

麦克法兰, 理查德。, Goutam Challagalla and Tasadduq Shervani (2006), "Influence Tactics for Effective Adaptive Selling," Journal of 市场营销, (70), 10月, 103-117.HTML