
当然也有例外, Southern Methodist University may not release any personally identifiable information from a 学生’s education records to any third party (including parents) without written consent from the 学生. 然而, 学生s may grant access to their education records to parents and others through the “学生授权访问” feature in my.SMU. 在SMU, 学生可以选择公开他们所有的教育记录, 限制进入指定区域, 或者明确拒绝第三方访问.

如果你还没有我的.SMU account, then you will need to activate your account through the following steps.


In the initial email you received informing you that your 学生 has allowed you to view or receive some or all of their education records at SMU, 有一个链接可以把你带到SMU设置帐号密码"您可以验证您的帐户的页面.


  1. SMU ID (或用户名): is listed in the initial email sent after your 学生 has granted you access. If you misplaced that email, the 学生 will be able to provide you with your SMU ID number.
  2. A PIN number: a 4 digit number that the 学生 generates when creating a relation’s access. The 学生 will be instructed to write down that number and give it to his relation. 密码不会通过电子邮件发送给您. 学生有责任告诉你这个数字.

点击这里 验证您的帐户.

如果所有信息输入正确, 您将看到一条消息,说明“身份验证成功”。. 点击“下一步”设置密码.


身份验证成功后, you should click on the “Next” button and go to the "SMU ACCOUNT PASSWORD SET" page to create your password. 这是您在登录我的网站时必须使用的密码.SMU. 您必须遵循页面上列出的密码规则.

After your password has been set, you will see the message “Your password has been set successfully”. You will then click on "Next" to enroll in the "Password Tool" so that you can manage your SMU account password.


The password reset tool allows you to reset your password in the event that you have forgotten it or locked out your account. On that page, you will need to enter your SMU ID and password that you just created. Next you will be asked to select three questions of your choosing and provide accurate answers. 你应该选择只有你自己知道答案的问题. You will need to answer these questions again to reset your password or unlock your account. 完成后,点击“下一步”.

4 .我的.SMU

Now that you have activated your account, you will receive another email directing you to my.SMU. 如果你把邮件放错了地方,打开浏览器转到 http://my.benzhengedu.com. 使用您的SMU ID(用户ID)和您的新密码登录.

您成功登录后到我的.SMU, click on the “学生授权访问” link to see a list of all 学生s who have given you access to their education records. 学生的教育记录包括学校内部和外部的数据.SMU. 您的学生授权访问允许您通过您的帐户查看某些数据, and it also allows SMU faculty and staff to discuss areas granted to you by the 学生.

请注意,尽管有些记录将通过我的.SMU, other records will only be available by contacting the office holding the records. 用于教育记录的联系信息 点击这里

每个学生旁边列出的是您已被授予的访问区域. 下面是不同之处的详细解释 “无障碍地区”


If you have been granted access to a 学生’s 金融援助 information, within my.您将能够查看授予和接受的经济援助. You can also visit with SMU Enrollment Services staff about the 学生’s financial aid by calling 214-768-3417 or 800-323-0672, 或发邮件 enrol_serv@benzhengedu.com.

学生中心内, 如果您已获得访问权限,“查看财务援助”链接将被激活. 点击此链接后, 如果学生有资格查看的数据, 然后按“援助年度”连结浏览.

Note that financial aid can be viewed only if all processing is complete and the application status is active. 否则,查询访问将被拒绝.


如果你被允许访问学生的持有信息,那么在我的.SMU you will be able to view any holds that are in place against the 学生’s account. You can also visit with SMU Enrollment Services staff about the 学生’s holds by calling 214-768-3417 or 800-323-0672, 或发邮件 enrol_serv@benzhengedu.com.

学生中心内, holds display in the upper right hand corner, in a shaded box. 如果你有通道的话, 并且学生至少有一个固定的位置, 然后将列出持有情况. 您可以点击链接“详情”获取更多信息, 从那里你可以点击另一个链接了解更具体的细节, 包括清理船舱所需行动的指示.


如果你被允许查看学生的所有纪律记录, then you will need to contact the Student Conduct and Community Standards Office to discuss your 学生's Disciplinary Records/Information. 没有纪律记录/信息可通过我的.SMU. The Student Conduct and Community Standards Office is located in Hughes Trigg Student Center room 302, 电话号码:214-768-4563.


If you have been granted access to a 学生’s 学生财务 information, within my.您将能够查看帐户余额和校园必需品. You can also visit with SMU Enrollment Services staff about the 学生’s account by calling 214-768-3417 or 800-323-0672, 或发邮件 enrol_serv@benzhengedu.com.

学生中心内, the “Account Summary” and “Campus Essentials” links will be active if you have been granted access.

“帐户摘要”包括两个不同的帐户. 在第一个深蓝色栏中,有用于更改帐户的滚动按钮. 余额按期限计算. 在第二个深蓝色条中,有用于更改术语的滚动按钮.

“校园必需品”是可选费用. 如果学生目前有资格选择校园必需品, 然后将列出类别,并显示所有选择. “请选择”表示学生没有做出任何选择.


If you have been granted access to a 学生’s academic records information, then within my.SMU you will be able to view class enrollments, grades, and an unofficial transcript. 系统外可获得的信息包括学位进度, 班级表现和学业指导. You can also visit with SMU staff about the 学生’s record by calling 214-768-3417 or 800-323-0672, 或发邮件 enrol_serv@benzhengedu.com

学生中心内, “课程表”, “成绩”, and “Unofficial Transcript” links will be active if you have been granted access.

课程安排可以查看当前注册的学生. After clicking the "Class Schedule" link, terms will be displayed if a 学生 is currently enrolled. 如果学生目前没有注册,则不会显示任何学期. 选择一个学期,点击“继续”按钮查看课程.

完成学期的成绩可查看. After clicking on the “成绩” link, select a term and click the “Continue” button. 然后将显示该学期的成绩.

非正式成绩单列出了学生的所有课程记录. 点击“非官方成绩单”链接后, you may need to select “Southern Methodist University” for Academic Institution and “Unofficial Stdnt Grade Transpt” for Report Type. 然后点击“Go”按钮.

我的新SMU ID号(UserID)在哪里??

Once you have been granted access by a 学生 then you will receive an email containing your SMU ID number, 或用户名. 您将需要这个UserID每次您登录到我的.SMU. 如果你把邮件放错了地方, the 学生 will have a record of your ID Number and can give you that information.


请查看 教育记录 在FERPA网站上的网页.




Check to ensure you have the correct ID number, PIN number, and the 学生’s birthday. 学生可以通过重置帐户来生成新的密码.


Upon account authentication, you should have enrolled in the Password Reset tool. 要重置或更改您的密码,或解锁您的帐户,请访问以下工具: http://pwreset.benzhengedu.com/



如果你有一个账户,任何其他原因(员工), 学生, 不止一个学生允许你访问), then you must contact the ITS Help Desk (214-768-4357) to resolve account issues.


联系新大招生服务部214-768-3417或800-323-0672,或发电子邮件 enrol_serv@benzhengedu.com.


请将您的联系信息更改提交至 records@benzhengedu.com.


如上所述,学生授予您的区域可以通过我的.SMU或亲自. 学生可以输入自己的电子邮件地址作为您的电子邮件. 您将无法查看任何电子邮件通知, 但你会被记录为进入了学生许可的区域. The areas of access above lists contact information for gaining access outside of the system.

如果您仍有疑问,请将其转发至注册服务中心 enrol_serv@benzhengedu.com 或致电214-768-3417或800-323-0672