African american manager showing marketing presentation explaining company strategy planning business partnership working in startup office. 多样化的团队头脑风暴项目的想法

Leading Strategically combines the art of strategy with the art and science of leadership that will inspire you toward future self-development so that you can grow into a more effective Leader every day. 领导与其说是科学,不如说是艺术, and what separates effective leaders from ineffective ones is their ability to understand the puzzle of people and interaction to achieve a higher purpose. Leading Strategically will take you on a personal journey to improve your artful leadership practice by increasing your understanding of the science of strategic interaction.

在新加坡管理大学考克斯商学院的两天沉浸式学习中, Leading Strategically will prepare you for leadership roles across various teams and organizations regardless of your current level of responsibility. Your ability to accomplish objectives – yours and your team’s – depends not only on your behaviors, 选择, 还有其他人的行为. Leading Strategically will enhance your understanding of how to align the decisions of others with yours to achieve common goals for shared purposes. 战略领导是一个高度体验的项目. You will actively engage with your fellow participants as you draw on and share your experiences through large group discussions, 小组对话, 还有实践练习. A basic premise is that Leaders need analytic (scientific) and interpersonal (artistic) skills to lead teams of people effectively. Leading Strategically will provide you with unique opportunities to improve your understanding of human behavior through useful analytical frameworks that you can begin to use immediately.


  • To know the essential elements of strategy and their application to leadership.
  • 了解战略互动的一般原则, which will enable you to act and make decisions more quickly and confidently.
  • To further develop your strategic skills and use them more thoughtfully and deliberately while leading.
  • Recognize your instinctive expertise and build on your experiences, 哪些可以改善你的领导风格.
  • 更新你的个人领导哲学.



课程特色 课程的细节
日期: 2024年10月1日- 2024年10月2日
主题: 策略
格式: 在校园
资格审查: CPE学时:16小时


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  • 重新思考战略和战略思维
  • 拆解竞争思维
  • 理解价值是如何创造的
  • 引入竞争价值模型
  • 深入了解你的服务对象以及你对他们的了解
  • 对市场告诉你的事情有一个基于现实的看法
  • 阐明你是谁,你的个人观点和你的抱负
  • 确定独特的优势和真正的障碍
  • Seeing and evaluating better opportunities based on your unique position
  • 制定动态的竞争策略
  • Building a case for change and influencing the organization to act
  • 适应市场的节奏


  • Professionals and individual contributors who have been promoted into management roles for the first time or aim to become managers.
  • 正在适应新团队或新团队基础设施的经理.
  • New and aspiring managers in various areas including the corporate sector, 政府, 卫生保健, 国际机构, 非营利组织.
  • 中层管理人员.



竞争和成功, companies need leaders in every department who can speak the dollars-and-cents language of business. 能够解读财务报告的经理, assess the impact of decisions and communicate operating strategies have a definite career advantage.



Our 领导 series teaches the skills and tools you need at critical junctions in your corporate career. Whether you're moving into your first managerial job or already at the senior executive level, 我们将帮助你完善你的基本能力, 商业头脑和软技能.



多样化的视角为增强商业成功打开了大门. A recent Boston Consulting Group study suggests that greater leadership diversity spurs innovation and boosts financial performance. 平均, diverse companies enjoy a 19% increase in revenue compared to their less diverse counterparts, and SMU Cox 高管教育 offers award-winning programs to raise up the diverse perspectives within your own organization.





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