Civic Responsibility and Military Leave of Absence

Civic Responsibility

The University will continue an eligible employee's normal scheduled pay, for a limited period of time, under the following circumstances:

  • 陪审员的义务
  • Court Service: When an employee is subpoenaed to serve as a witness in a court case
  • Other Activities: An employee may be released with pay for other civic duties, at the discretion of the Department of 人力资源.

The employee will provide a copy of applicable documentation (e.g., a summons or subpoena) to his/her manager. The maximum leave time each year under this policy is five working days. In the event of a special circumstance requiring additional time, the employee may appeal to the immediate supervisor for extended time. 只有经有关部门主管和人力资源部同意,才能批准带薪延期.


Military Leave of Absence

Paid Military Leave

有义务服役的雇员将被准予至多12个月的带薪军事假, as set forth below. Such leave of absence shall not be charged against regular vacation.

  • 员工应尽可能提前通知学校(或至少提前30天通知)。, 并协调服务任务的安排与大学的工作安排,除非无法提前通知, 不合理的, or precluded by military necessity.
  • When an employee is ordered to active military duty, 大学将支付从美国政府收到的军饷毛额总额与他/她的就业未因现役兵役而中断时本应收到的基薪毛额之间的差额, for a period not to exceed 12 months per order to active military duty. 如果军队工资超过员工的大学工资,则不会提供任何差异.
  • While on paid military leave, benefits will continue to accrue as if the employee were at work, except if an applicable employee benefit plan excludes the employee from coverage. 根据适用法律,员工福利计划下提供的所有福利均受适用员工福利计划文件的条款和条件的约束.
  • For all other non-seniority benefits, except for the pay differential under this policy, 服兵役休假的员工将享有与带薪休假员工相同的权利和福利.

Unpaid Military Leave


  • 在无薪军事假所涉期间,应计假期和病假暂停.
  • 大学赞助的健康和福利计划不会在无薪军事休假开始时自动终止, but will be administered on the same basis as other persons on unpaid leave. 休军假超过12个月的雇员可以选择继续参加以前选择的大学为自己和家人赞助的健康和福利计划, 但他们必须以书面形式选择上述保险范围,并同意支付所涉及的全部保费, including the University’s and employee’s portion of the premium(s).
  • The employee is permitted, but not required, 要求学校将超过12个月的军事休假作为带薪休假计算,其程度取决于员工已累计休假的程度. 学校不能要求员工在服务期间使用他或她的假期.
  • For purposes of length of service at the University, time spent on military leave of absence will be considered as continuous employment.

Reemployment Rights

Following completion of Service, a returning employee must promptly return to work, or apply for 再就业, in accordance with USERRA:

  • If the employee’s Service was less than 31 days, 员工必须在服务结束回家后的第一个正常工作日至少8小时报到工作.
  • If the employee’s Service was between 31 and 180 days, the employee must apply for 再就业 within 14 days following completion of Service.
  • If the employee’s Service was more than 180 days, the employee must apply for 再就业 within 90 days following completion of Service.
  • If the employee suffered a Service-connected injury or illness and his hospitalized or recovering, the employee must report to work, or apply for 再就业, within 2 years following completion of Service, depending on the length of recovery time required.


  • 雇员必须提前通知学校,他或她将离职去军警部队服役(除非这种通知是由于军事需要或其他不可能或不合理的原因而被排除在外)。.
  • The cumulative length of Service, and all previous absences from a position of employment with the University due to Service, must not exceed 5 years.
  • 这个人必须是在光荣的条件下退伍的,或者是在非现役状态下继续服役的.

Upon return from leave, employees who are eligible for 再就业 will be reemployed with the same seniority, and all rights and benefits based on that seniority, that they would have attained if they had not taken military leave. 工龄权利包括工资和福利,这些工资和福利是根据他们的服务年限累积或确定的.

  • Upon return from leave, 通常情况下,该员工会被立即重新雇用,担任其如果继续受雇于大学将会获得的职位, 只要该员工有资格担任该职位或经过学校的合理努力能够获得该职位. Depending on the circumstances, 根据这一政策再就业可能导致不利的工作后果,如再就业在较低的职位, 解雇, 或终止.
  • 如果该员工不合格或不能胜任该员工如果继续受雇于大学将获得的职位, 该员工将被重新雇用,其职位将与该员工继续受雇于大学时所获得的职位最接近, and for which the employee is qualified.


Discrimination and Retaliation

大学禁止也不会容忍对任何雇员或申请人的歧视或报复,因为该人是制服服务的成员或有义务为制服服务. 具体地说, no one will be denied employment, 再就业, 促销活动, or any other benefit of employment, 或因其军警部门的成员资格或服务而受到任何不利的雇佣行为. 除了, 任何人都不会因为行使了本政策或适用法律规定的权利而受到报复. 如果员工觉得他们或其他人可能受到违反本政策的行为的影响, they should report it to their supervisor or the Department of 人力资源 immediately.