Strength, Authenticity, Impact

立即申请为期三天的沉浸式学习体验,帮助女性驾驭商业环境, develop and leverage their unique talents, and assume roles as executive leaders.

Forward-thinking companies know the future of leadership is female. 当女性担任高级管理和执行职务时,她们会给组织带来有记载的优势. 帮助女性进步的关键在于建立后备力量——识别并支持高潜力女性在组织中更深入地学习, grow and move up the leadership ranks. SMU Cox's Women's Leadership Program exists to further that goal.

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Course feature Course detail
Dates: October 28, 2024 – October 30, 2024
Topic: Diversity and Inclusion
Format: On Campus
Location: SMU Cox School of Business

Credly digital certificate awarded upon course completion.




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  • Accelerating Your Learning
  • Building a Learning Community
  • Inclusive Leadership: Understanding Diversity Dynamics
  • Leveraging Your Network
  • Business Storytelling: Making Your Voice heard
  • Developing Your Leadership Brand
  • The Psychology of Persuasion
  • Quantitative Intuition: Building Confidence and Taking Intelligent Risks
  • What Successful Women Leaders Have in Common
  • Leading with Purpose and Impact
  • Enhancing Your Executive Presence
  • Three days of interactive learning on the SMU campus
  • Strategic leadership sessions focused on skills with immediate ROI
  • 跨学科会议探讨关键的企业职能和相互作用
  • Small group discussions, workshops and activities
  • Expert, innovative keynote speakers who share their leadership journeys
  • Dynamic networking opportunities with global women leaders
  • Leadership and communication style assessments
  • Individual development and personal action plans
  • Case studies, articles and other background materials
  • Post-program resources to reinforce learning and support continued growth

Objectives and Outcomes

我们主要关注女性领导力发展的目的是基于我们的信念,即成倍增加女性领导者的数量和质量可以提高组织的创新能力, collaborate, and increase performance.

How it's different

New realities, 挑战和机遇要求你转变领导他人的方式. 《威尼斯人博彩》将帮助你加速学习,为即刻的成功做好准备.

通过个人评估,你将了解自己目前的领导优势和劣势, identify opportunities for growth and develop your future leadership agenda. 杰出的主题演讲者将在您进入积极的学习课程时分享真知灼见, collaborate with colleagues, and begin to apply critical concepts and skills.

Who Should Attend?

The Women's Leadership Program 专为有管理人员或项目(或两者兼而有之)经验的领导者设计。, and has approximately 5+ years of management experience. 她将能够在识别和应对企业管理者面临的领导挑战和机遇方面为该项目带来经验, public sector, entrepreneurial or non-profit environment.

High-potential executives preparing to assume more responsibility, either in a functional or a leadership capacity.

理想的候选人将在他们的职业生涯中表现出领导潜力. Strong candidates are highly-motivated, open to growth, and are looking to reach the next level in their careers.

Participants will

  • 评估领导力景观,以确定个人和组织的领导力机会和需求
  • Refine their own compelling, 真实的领导叙事,并了解如何利用叙事认同的力量
  • 培养领导者的心态——提高对个人和组织成长的意识和关注
  • Deepen their understanding of executive judgment
  • 综合体现强势、热情的领导者最佳表现的风度维度
  • 学习评估和加强基于价值观的性格能力的技巧
  • 理解并利用信任、文化、影响力和高管风度的力量
  • 在苛刻的情况下,获得对情感和智力韧性的洞察力
  • Understand how to use feedback as a power tool for growth
  • 探索时间分配背后的科学,利用时间获得最佳结果
  • Discover how routines are a key factor in achieving superior outcomes


Through active participation in the Women's Leadership Program, you'll strengthen your ability to:

  • Articulate your vision
  • Crystalize your goals
  • Successfully lead a team of leaders
  • Align your unit with enterprise mission and value
  • Cultivate a network of supporters
  • Advocate for yourself
  • Gain visibility for your accomplishments
  • Communicate strategically in an array of context
  • Respond to change and stay challenge ready

Examine Our Other Offerings


To compete and succeed, 公司的每个部门都需要能讲商业语言的领导者. Managers who can interpret financial reports, 评估决策和沟通运营战略的影响对职业生涯有明显的优势.



我们的领导力系列课程教授你在公司职业生涯的关键时刻所需要的技能和工具. 无论你是进入你的第一份管理工作,还是已经是高级管理人员, we'll help you refine your essential competencies, business acumen and soft skills.



您每天都面临挑战,要为要求越来越高的客户及其快速变化的需求创造价值. 一个合理的策略可以指导你选择做什么,以及如何选择去做, grow, and prosper.

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